by | Oct 24, 2021 | FIRMly Secure, Tech Blog
Tektagon™ XFR ,A Guide to Implementing HRoT with NIST PFR Guidelines Data breaches are increasingly costly as the sophistication and funding (in some instances, state-sponsored) of hackers has increased. The Cost of a Data Breach Report 2021 by IBM states that “2021...
by | Dec 1, 2020 | AMI in the News
DULUTH, GEORGIA – AMI®, a global leader in powering, managing and securing the world’s connected digital infrastructure through its BIOS, BMC and security solutions, is pleased to introduce its new AMI TruE™ Platform Security Solution for establishing a...
by | Nov 19, 2020 | AMI in the News
DULUTH, GEORGIA / HILLSBORO, OREGON – AMI®, a global leader in powering, managing and securing the world’s connected digital infrastructure through its BIOS, BMC and security solutions, and Lattice Semiconductor, the low power programmable leader, are...
by | Apr 13, 2020 | AMI in the News
NORCROSS, GEORGIA – AMI®, a global leader in powering, managing and securing the world’s connected digital infrastructure through its BIOS, BMC and security solutions, is pleased to announce the new AMI FirST™ Firmware Security Testing Suite. The AMI FirST...
by | Mar 19, 2018 | AMI in the News
NORCROSS, GEORGIA, USA – AMI, a global leader in BIOS and UEFI firmware, server and remote management tools, data storage products and unique solutions based on the Linux® and Android™ operating systems, has released a statement in response to the recent news of...
by | Dec 13, 2017 | Tech Blog
AMI response for the INTEL-SA-00086 Security Bulletin for Intel® Management Engine AMI is committed to providing the highest level of security in our firmware offerings. With our BIOS and BMC firmware offerings deployed on a majority of computing systems across the...
by | Oct 2, 2017 | Tech Blog
On September 7, 2017, news about one of the biggest security breaches in recent history was exposed to the public. Millions of Americans’ social security numbers, credit card numbers and other personal information were released to unauthorized hackers. People...
by | Jul 3, 2017 | Tech Blog
Firmware is everywhere; in every system and nearly every technology device we use on a daily basis – clearest example would be computers/laptops. Firmware is also highly vulnerable to malware attacks, where hackers corrupt the firmware to create persistent...