Driving operational efficiency and Sustainability in enterprise data centers
AMI Data Center Manager
AMI® Data Center Manager (DCM), formerly known as Intel® DCM is a powerful tool that can help organizations manage their data centers with greater reliability, efficiency and sustainability. It is designed to be highly customizable and scalable, enabling organizations to tailor it to meet their needs.
By leveraging real-time data collection, predictive analytics, and advanced reporting features, AMI DCM enables data-driven decisions that improve the sustainability, reliability and operational efficiency of data center infrastructure.
Optimizes energy usage, reduces waste, and monitors carbon emissions
Monitors data center health, power, and thermals in real time and provides alerts
Optimizes resources usage and capacity planning forecasting for future needs
AMI Data Center Managment Use Cases
Whether you are responsible for infrastructure management or IT operations, AMI DCM provides you with the tools you need to optimize performance, reduce operating costs and manage your data center carbon footprint. AMI DCM provides a wide range of capabilities and covers three major sets of use cases to help manage data centers.
Capacity Planning and Energy Consumption
Forecasting Future Space and Power Needs
Optimizing Rack Density
Granular Thermal Mapping
Device Level Energy Monitoring
Power Capping
Utilization and Health Monitoring
System Utilization Monitoring
Identify Zombie Server
Real-time Health Issues Detection
Health Issues Prediction
Reliable and Customizable Alerts
Infrastructure and Asset Manageability
Rightsizing DC Infrastructure
Real-time Discovery and Asset Tracking
Remote System Management
Power, Thermal and Health Alerts
End-to-End Data Aggregation