The “Platformization” of Our Lives – Part 2

The “Platformization” of Our Lives – Part 2

In last week’s post on platformization, we defined this somewhat perplexing concept in the context of our own personal interactions with platform business models. Our post also identified the main types of platform business models currently in use and examined...
The “Platformization” of Our Lives – Part 2

The “Platformization” of Our Lives – Part 1

Do you know the meaning of “platform business”, or a platform business model? In truth many of us don’t really understand the concept, although we use them nearly every day. But have you ever taken a ride with Lyft or Uber? Booked a place to stay during...
Next Big Tech Thing: Edge Computing?

Next Big Tech Thing: Edge Computing?

Cloud computing has been all the rage in the technology world, but a new, improved way of computing has started to emerge. Could we be looking at at a new technological advancement? Some people certainly believe so. If you haven’t heard about edge computing,...
AI Pets: Making Their Way to Your Home?

AI Pets: Making Their Way to Your Home?

You’ve definitely heard us talking about artificial intelligence before. AI technology is hot these days, with many companies turning to AI for more advanced and automated technology. For example, Sony has had a long history of innovation. In 1999, Sony released...
Pizza as a Service 2.0 by Paul Kerrison

Pizza as a Service 2.0 by Paul Kerrison

Pizza as a Service 2.0 by Paul Kerrison Recently I was trying to describe the various types of cloud services available for modern IT deployment. Like many, I resorted to an analogy – the ever popular “Pizza as a Service”. However, the more I tried to use it, the more...