Every year during the week before Thanksgiving, AMI’s employees are hustling and bustling throughout the place. Employees are preparing presentations, setting up demos and of course, getting their stomachs ready for a feast! So what’s exactly happening at AMI? Why, Innovation Week of course!
Innovation Week is an annual November tradition that brings together AMI employees from headquarters and AMI’s international offices (Taiwan, Germany, China, Japan and Korea). Engineers from different departments present the latest and greatest innovations they’ve been working on throughout the year and answer questions fellow employees may have about the engineers’ projects/technologies. Presentations take place throughout the entire week from Monday to Thursday and Friday is designated as “Demo Day” where the engineers can demo their products and innovations to all employees.
Friday also serves another (delicious) purpose. While demos are taking place around the room, employees also get to partake in AMI’s annual Thanksgiving Lunch. AMI’s Thanksgiving Lunch is a potluck-style lunch where employees have the opportunity to bring and share dishes of their choosing. Thanksgiving Lunch boasts a very diverse menu, with employees bringing different dishes for others to try. It is also a time for AMI employees to come together and enjoy a Thanksgiving lunch with one another before going on Thanksgiving break to spend time with their families. So it’s safe to say that after Innovation Week, employees leave full of knowledge and good food!