What’s an IBV?
Everyone has their acronyms. In my house, if I ask, “PT?” I would be asking if we are having Pizza Tonight. If you ask that at boot camp, it would be Physical Training.
In the BIOS/BMC firmware development community, there are a bunch. Here’s a list of just a few.
More Common:
- BIOS = Basic Input Output System
- BMC = Baseboard Management Controller
- BSP = Board Support Package
- CRB = Customer Reference Board
- EFI = Extensible Firmware Interface
- FW = Firmware
- GPOS = General Purpose Operating System
- HW = Hardware
- MCR = Machine Check Registers
- NVMe = NVM Express
- OS = Operating System
- RTOS = Real-Time Operating System
- SSH = Secure SHell
- SW = Software
- TCG = Trusted Computing Group
- UEFI = Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
- VM = Virtual Machine
- VRM = Voltage Regulator Module
More BIOS related:
- ABoD = Auto-Build on Demand
- AEM = Active Energy Manager
- AFU = AMI Firmware Utility
- AL = After Life
- APML = Advanced Platform Management Link
- BCD = Boot Configuration Data
- BCP = BIOS Configuration Program
- BDS = Boot Device Selection
- CRTM = Core Root of Trust for Measurement
- CSM = Compatibility Support Module
- CVE = Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
- CVSS = Common Vulnerability Scoring System
- DMIEdit = Desktop Management Interface Editor
- DXE = Driver eXecution Environment
- EC = Embedded Controller
- EDK = EFI Development Kit
- ELAM = Early Launch Anti-Malware
- ESA = Extensible Setup Architecture
- ESP = EFI System Partition
- FSP = Firmware Support Package
- FV = Firmware Volume
- GPT = GUID Partition Table
- GRUB = GRand Unified Bootloader
- GUID = Globally Unique IDentifier
- HOB = Hand-Off Block
- IBV = Independent BIOS Vendor
- IVT = Interrupt Vector Table
- KEK = Key Encryption Key
- MBR = Master Boot Record
- MMIO = Memory-Mapped I/O
- MMTool = Module Management Tool
- NVMHCI = Non-Volatile Memory Host Controller Interface
- OpROM = Option ROM
- PCD = Platform Configuration Database
- PEI = Pre-EFI Initialization
- PI = Platform Initialization
- PK = Platform Key
- PMIO = Port-Mapped I/O
- PPT = Platform Trust Technology
- PXE = Preboot eXecution Environment
- RAS = Reliability, Availability and Supportability
- RT = Run Time
- SCE = Setup Control Environment
- SDE = Setup Data Extraction
- SEC = SECurity phase
- SLP = System Lock Preinstallation
- SMI = System Management Interrupt
- TPM = Trusted Platform Module
- TSE = Text Setup Environment
- TSL = Transient System Load
- UCP = Utility Configuration Program
- VeB = Visual eBIOS
- VPD = Vital Product Data
More BMC related:
- BT = Block Transfer
- FRU = Field-Replaceable Unit
- ICMB = Intelligent Chassis Management Bus Bridge
- IPMB = Intelligent Platform Management Bus
- IPMI = Intelligent Platform Management Interface
- KCS = Keyboard Controller Style
- KVM = Keyboard Video Mouse
- LPC = Low Pin Count
- MC = Mangement Controller
- MDS = MegaRAC Development Studio
- NSID = NameSpace ID
- NVMEoF = NVM Express over Fabrics
- NVS = Non-Volatile Storage
- OCP = Open Compute Project
- OOB = Out of Band
- PECI = Platform Environment Control Interface
- PM = Platform Management
- PMCP = Platform Management Configuration Program
- PSME = Pooled System Management Engine
- RDMA = Remote Direct Memory Access
- REST = REpresentational State Transfer
- RoCE = RDMA over Converged Ethernet
- RR = Rolling Release
- RSD = Intel® Rack Scale Design
- SDR = Sensor Data Record
- SEL = System Event Log
- SGL = Scatter-Gather Lists
- SMIC = System Management Interface Chip
- SOL = Serial Over LAN
- SSIF = SMBus System Interface
- VSP = Visual Service Processor
- YAFUFlash = Yet Another Firmware Upgrade Flash